ive just started my business this year i was a lorry driver for 3 years because i broke my neck when i was 17 and after doing nothing for a year i just started driving to make fast cash didnt get involved with a trade, and this year i just got sick of it and wanted to make something of myself so i did a tiling course after i quit my 24grand a year drivin job bearing in mind i had no work lined up for tiling, im a bit of a risk taker but u prob gathered that, and now im busy for 5 months, and dave ur right about making good money, the most ive made so far is 960 in 3 days and a morning! since i started tiling i did go through a 3week patch where i had no calls or jobs, probably coz i went to benidorm for 2 weeks right enough but i was worried i did the wrong thing and now its all good! good luck to you! and do wot u feel is right!