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Hi everyone, I have been reading through previous threads all morning and haven't found all the answers I needed. I may not have search for the right things so please forgive me if I am repeating previous threads.

I am currently working for myself as a Gardener but it just isn't providing me with the sort of living I want. I am looking to train up as a tiler and work self employed.

I am struggling to find a course near to me (Atherton near Manchester) other than one or two offering 1 and 4 day courses. Obviously a 1 day course is pointless for me but what about 4 day courses? Whatever course I do I will be looking to work for free short term with someone who has experience so I can further my own skills.

I have read quite a few posts saying that the Chase Tiling course is a good option. I can't remember where this is but I would be happy to travel if I know the course is worthwhile.

What course would you guys recommend and how long is it/location etc?

My other concern is once I start to work for myself is there much work about? I know it will take time to build up but I will need to be doing some work to cover my bills etc pretty quickly.

Please give me any advice you can. I am serious about doing this so need to know as much as possible.



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Hiya and welcome to the forums. I'd consider Chase Tiling Academy certainly, they're in Staffordshire so not to far from you at all. There's a couple of guys on here who can vouch for them for you and I believe both pretty much started to get business quickly after doing the course. You might find travelling further away would be a good investment too though. There's North East Tiling Training a bit further up north and then there's UKTilingCourses further down south who again both have a really good reputation.

There is a shortage of tilers here in the UK and The Tile Association have not long released a report saying that tiles are now part of a design feature in the home and unlike some years ago when tiles would be on the walls for a decade, they actually get changed as much as carpet these days.

The prices of tiles are falling due to increased demand, heavy competition retail-wise and more and more importing stones and marbles and the likes.

I'd do a short course, then do some practise for friends/family and then start to charge when you're confident enough to. If you start to get a few questions after doing a bit of free/low paid work, then give the training centre a call and they will help you with your questions and advise you on what to do next. Very few do it but you could even go back and do another short course if you thought it was needed.

There should be a few more replies soon enough for you too, the lads/ladies here are sound. :)
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Thanks for the quick response Dan, some helpful advice there. I have a few bits I can do once i've had a bit of training. My own kitchen floor and walls as well as my bathroom need doing. I also have a shower and bathroom to tile for my brother. I just wasn't sure these 4 day courses were what I needed to be able to set up working for myself but you make a good point, it's practice that I need......

I'll look forward to anymore advice I can get on here!

Cracking website this!


Hiya mate - good new choice of career.
As I see it, due to what I have observed locally ( Halifax / Hudds / Leeds ) and also the fact that this website exists, plus the number of new tilers posting & going on a course - Competition is bloody fierce.
Don' let this put you off - in theory there should be enough work to go around.
Do as many jobs for friends & family as you can to gain some experience & confidence.
As I see it in the building trade in general, it's not always what you know, but who you know that gets you the work.
I've been self employed for 2 and a half years now. Been tiling for 3. I have been lucky as I have never had to advertise & have not had my van signwritten either.
A great deal of my work comes through my ever growing Network of other trades - plumbers, plasterers, electricians etc, etc. From which you get more recommends & work, the more good jobs you do.
It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation really, but if you do a good job & get enough contacts, you should never be short of work.
Good luck

Concept PHT

To true in all aspects there mate.

Competition here in the Midlands is unbeleivable. But its the way you sell yourself on the quote that clinches it most of the time.

I can vouch for Chase Tiling Academy - superb in all areas of tiling. And soon to be dishing out recognised quals too.

Good luck mate :)

P.S I got your CD Nick, very nice and I just need to get some decent pics together ;)


Thanks for all the advice guys....... Do any of these courses go into the business side of things? ie. a guide on how much to charge, suppliers etc?

My main concern is having enough work initially to cover my bills, I know it will take time to build up, also what is the likelihood of someone letting me work with them for free for a while to gain some experience?

Wivers - How long after completing your course did you start trading? What was the volume of work like?


try north east tiling they do a 5 day course which also covers the buisness side and natural stone course read a lot of good things and i am going next week on the course its also very reasonable price think cost me about £500 for course and £50 for a college accreditation certificate i ll let you know how it is after the course if you like i am hoping to also start my own company as well


i am up in alloa in central scotland the reasons for thinking about setting up for my self was that i needed to do my own bathroom and kitchen floor and started thinking that i would like to learn this rather than pay someone to do it for me the more i read abput these courses the more i ve thought about going for it on my own as i am not enjoying the work i do at the moment cant be bother getting out of bed at 4 in the morning any more to do the post so i am hoping to get going with this where are you hoping to set up have you done any tiling before and did you look at the north east tiling web site it looks good:wink_smile:


I've just had a look at the North east tiling website. It seems they cover everything i'd need as a complete novice! I haven't done any tiling as yet no, I do intend to do my own bathroom walls and kithen floor and walls as pratice but i'd like to find someone to go out with a few days a week to get some experience. I'm going to be setting up in Atherton near Manchester.

I'm in the same boat really, i'm naffed off doing the job I do (gardener), I get pi*s wet through a lot this time of year for not enough money. There isn't as much work as there used to be either.


I started getting work as soon as i left the course mate. First through family and friends and while i was using those jobs as confidence builders i was mailshoting my bussiness cards around the area, signing up for and putting cards in every tile, bathroom and kitchen distributors in the area. I have had at least 1 big job every other week since i.e full bathroom + floor and in the last 4 weeks i have been booked through until april 26th. The PTS course did spend about half a day on the bussiness side of things, they went through pricing, starting up, financing and marketing, and the good thing is they give you a booklet to guide you through the lot which after i left became my bible as i kept reverting back to it to see if i was going about things the right way, i had to make sure i hid it under a dust sheet when a customer was around though :p
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