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Hi all,
Hows everyone doing?:grin:

Just about to start my very first tiling job on the kitchen floor.I have lifted the old tiles to reveal a concrete floor,and noticed a slight sloping running towards the floor of my conservatory.
Will i need to level out the floor with a compound or lay down the adhesive a bit thicker?
Any advice is much appreciated...cheers:thumbsup:
:welcome2:to the forum cheeky.

If you need any help or advice with tiles please give me a shout and i'll see what we can do at CTD to help you out.

How bad is the slope, is it from one side to the other or does it have high points and low points?
hi mate
its from one side to the other.its not that bad really.just had new kitchen fitted and is noticeable at the bottom of the units and the units are level.
Depending on how much of a slope it is, you could as long as the floor is flat, tile it starting at the highest side, (bearing in mind where you'll be finishing, you dont want to get stuck in the corner and have to walk over the newly laid tiles).

If its not flat, and depending on the height difference, you could use a self levelling compound, starting from the lowest point, raising it to the level of the highest point, gradually blending across to finish at the same height at the highest side, although it really would depend on the difference in height, if the floor is flat etc, etc.

You say it was tiled before, did you notice the slope with the old tiles down.

My kitchen floor has a slight slope, you can see it if you get down on the floor and look at the kick boards under the units becasue they are shorter in height at one side than the other. But when your stood up the top of the kick boards are hidden by the units protruding doors, so you cant tell.

Im sure someone much more erxperienced that me will be along soon to give you more detailed advice. Pictures always help.
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