Got back from NETT last night with a spinning head, he really does fill up the time with a lot of info. I was suprised how fast the day went by. The Natural stone 1 day coarse was very good value for money, he covered so many subjects in such a short time and really inspired everyone. Very easy to understand why Darren is so highly recommended.
I would also like to add that I did not attend his 4 day tiling coarse so Darrren made a big effert to bring me up to speed with everyone else who had attended, he didn't have to but he did.
He also pointed out a few errors of my ways that I had learned from my previous coarse at a different training centre, these few points alonewill save me loads of time and mess, especially regarding the setting out process, once again this was not part of the one day coarse it was just some advice darren felt would be a big benifit to me.
Darren also makes a good nurse.... I tested his skills within minutes of starting the day by slicing a large gash into my index finger with a tape messure !
On a funny note, I do think Darren looks a lot like Uri Geller :lol:
I had a fantastic day and was well taught. Happy days !