packing out mosaic borders

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How do you spread the adhesive on a thin border? I've actually chopped down a mosaic trowel to about 5cm wide so it fits in the gap! Just wondered if there were any other methods.
I have cut down a peice of plastic from an emulsion paint bucket lid, or even a tubbed adhesive lid. And notched it out to suit.(Not that I use tubbed adhesive) much.:thumbsup:
How do you spread the adhesive on a thin border? I've actually chopped down a mosaic trowel to about 5cm wide so it fits in the gap! Just wondered if there were any other methods.
I just parge it in with a grout float after first run through has set and then screed it off with dog tooth again and pad them in with grout float.
Do that method also. If the borders aren't too heavy and can support themselves then I put on a few mm thicker than I need, let set for 10 mins and press the mosaics into the full bed.
I use similar method as phil but I cut out a section of plywood and leave it slightly less than the thickness of the mosaic, i taper the edge of the gauge and pull it down the wall at an angle , so that the adhesive can get away and doesn't overload the space !
All good tips for getting round an annoying problem


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