with a smooth tile you can normally use black rubberthey have done it on purpose to solve the problem and raise the rough tiles more easily.
blu sigma
grey Raimondi
red montolit
with a smooth tile you can normally use black rubberthey have done it on purpose to solve the problem and raise the rough tiles more easily.
blu sigma
grey Raimondi
red montolit
did you run away with the money?
did you run away with the money?
@JulianSidneyIf only eh!
2 numbers, sadly no win.
Back to work Monday.🙁
check if boggs is telling the truth .... ahah
only 1.000.000 ?
@Schlüter-Systems Ltd have a light system liprotec which might be worth you looking at.
Tiles are all BCT tiles 🙁.
How do you come on for getting round the tight 90degree corners?View attachment 105550 View attachment 105550
I-lumos from Hartington Heath. Cheap and good quality. They were the only led lights I could find with a continuous flow of light. 8x16mm and come in any length from 1m up. For out door so coated in a very thick hard Silicon which made them a pain to work with.
Can only be cut in 1m lengths as well.
Just wanted something different and I love lights as a decorative feature.
Lights were 16mm deep which was a problem but wanted the clear light part sitting out in the tile.
Just split tile, stuck bottom half in and any end tiles which couldn't be split, then glued lights in with sticks like rubbish turbo as needed fast setting because the lights were all out of shape. Had to prop and then hold some parts for 20mins lol. Stuck top tile on (tiles were bedded in with 4x 3mm tile spacers, one in each corner, so I could get a flat level finish) and just got 14mm tile trim to cover it.
Had to make all my own connectors mind then wired it up to a dimmer switch run off an adjoining socket. They were to bright to do with out a dimmer tbh. Put my head away at the start but now I know how, it's easy done. Just the 1m cuts only is annoying.