Ah well!! that makes it allright then.
It's not a case of "it's allright then", it's a simple case of ecnomics.
Their countries are over populated, millions of people with no jobs and no way of supporting themselves, the whole cost of living is tiny compared to the western world so people only need to earn a fraction to have their standard of living.
So theres 2 options really.
Stick to producing everything in your own country, higher workers wages means products are far more expensive, so consumers in the long run need to earn more money to pay for everything they need, meaning workers demand more money to do the job, so the products become more expensive to produce, and so it goes on and on, like a snowball effect.
We "the western world" have our very expensive consumer products as a result, and that then means millions of people in the less developed world are say no longer producing anything for the west, and as their countries economy is so poor, they don't have way enough jobs for their own people producing what they need for themselves, so they have no jobs, giving them no money.
No money is third world crisis, people in the end starve if their goverment cannot support the unemployed, which they can't as it is.
So shall we have a mix of the two.
Pay people in eastern countries the same wages they would get living here ?
So they end up earning £80 per day, when it only costs them £5 per month to live.
I think you might find their country then gripped with excessive inflation.
Whats the point in that, we might as well pay someone living here to do the job for the same money and pay double for the products for the pleasure of it.
It's all about having a good mix.
I also work in a coal fired power station as well as being a tiler.
We buy coal from all around the world, and have done since the early eighties.
Coal from places like South Africa, Russia and so on costs us a fraction of what British coal does, all because of how expensive it is to get it from the ground in the first place.
So yeah we could say, right we will only buy british coal, costs would go through the roof to produce elecrticity, the national grid would have to pay excessive prices from us, then pass on that excessive price to the consumer, so your electric bill would probably quadruple.
You might want to look at where over half the products or more you currently buy are actually made.