Spent the last week or so plugging away at 9mm porcelain tiles with the Master Tiler. Because they are big tiles, its being used almost constantly. Tried a local tilers dry cutter, but couldn't get the knack and shattered a couple, so back to the wet cutter.
The finish with the stock blade is more than adequate, but you need to take your time. I get soaked as the tiles are too big for the water to run off properly or to use the guide, and the grooves do need cleaning out each time. (think I'll be trying that suggestion of filling the grooves!)
With about 100 tiles on the wall, about 80 are cut and I wondered if I should try a new blade. Bought the turbo blade TDW180 and after a couple of tests took it off and went back to the original. Although the blade goes through the tiles a lot faster, even going slow left the edges badly chipped.
I was almost tempted to give mitring a try, but after the comments above, I don't think so.
I was suffering from the very end of the cut (last cm) breaking away. Using a wooden baton to even the push pressure on either side of the cut reduced this, but now cutting halfway in from each side, and flipping upside down for the final inch or so. Yes I get soaked, but I am more than happy with the final result.