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Agreed, i'm happy with that. Pretty sure i'll do it that way also thanks. Hey is it me or has anyone else noticed that customers will spend 600 quid on a fancy bath but will then ignore any waterproofing aids or thinker plywood because of the extra cost !

I've had to pull all the stops out to get the point across.

Wellcome to the TF arms mate:thumbsup:
There amazing some times, had one today who got wickes cheapest 350 x 250 tiles for kitchen splash backs:yikes:
lol, nice :smilewinkgrin:. I had a work collegue today ask me to regrout his whole bathroom and floor which was about 20 m2, said he'd give me 20 quid or some beer money ( whatever that means ) ? :lol:.
lol, nice :smilewinkgrin:. I had a work collegue today ask me to regrout his whole bathroom and floor which was about 20 m2, said he'd give me 20 quid or some beer money ( whatever that means ) ? :lol:.

And i hope you told him straight :incazzato::incazzato::incazzato::incazzato:
lol, nice :smilewinkgrin:. I had a work collegue today ask me to regrout his whole bathroom and floor which was about 20 m2, said he'd give me 20 quid or some beer money ( whatever that means ) ? :lol:.
definate no no vinny

somw of the people i drink with in my local live on their own planet, im always being asked to do jobs for them

this time last year when things were a bit quite i went and did a few.they were only little jobs, change a back door lock etc

they said mates rates and i agreed, anyone would think i had gone around and slept with their grandmother

i thought you were a mate they said and i replied what kind of mate expects a tradesman to come out and do a job for a tenner

the only good thing to come from it was i got reccomended on as being quite reasonable and a normal persons perception of reasonable was a lot more realistic than theirs

this year i refused as i have admin to do
Hi Vinny and :welcome: to The Arms:thumbsup:

I think in your instance it will be just a case of trial and error when learning pricing, unless you can stiplate to your customers an hourly rate and charge that way.

If you try to estimate time to, say, lay a Hardie BB floor and charge a lump sum fixed price for this element you may very well get it wrong the first couple of times, but at least this will give you a more accurate idea of how much to charge - a customer will always be more happy with a fixed price from the off rather than £x per hour which is open to abuse:thumbsup:
Yeah mates rates have been a difficult one for me to deal with. It is so true that tilers are really under rated for what they do, especially when mates rates comes into it.

Thanks for your advice melecollins, the pricing is something of an issue regarding the repairs and ply laying as I have not made any profit from doing them so far ( friends and family, odd work mate ). I just had little idea of what to charge, hourly can be too expencive and a fixed price was difficult to make due to lack of experience. By the way merlecolins your avator picture had me in stitches when i first saw it lol.

In time i'll get an idea for a good price struture, I'm a big fan of getting and giving a bargain ( i'm also an ebay addict ) but I don't want to cheapen the market, it has enough of that already from cowboys.
lol, nice :smilewinkgrin:. I had a work collegue today ask me to regrout his whole bathroom and floor which was about 20 m2, said he'd give me 20 quid or some beer money ( whatever that means ) ? :lol:.

Tell him to put a 0 on the end or stop taking the p**s.
Unless of course you are a man who likes a drink!:lol:


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