problem grouting

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hi guy's,

done a porcelain floor the other day. just had a call back saying the grout had dried different colours, black, grey, and white in places. i was using granfix flexi grey grout. I'm going out today to see but has anyone had this problem before?

What colour was the grout?

I tend to mix my grout every now and then as I have been told that with darker grouts the colour can drop to the bottom of the tub.

What colour was the grout?

I tend to mix my grout every now and then as I have been told that with darker grouts the colour can drop to the bottom of the tub.


But if it's going from black to grey to white, that's a large colour change isn't it ?

Only things I could think of would be, was there any contamination in the grout bucket fom another job ? , was the grout thoroughly mixed first time round ? or was the floor adhesive dry enough or did you grout in the same day ?
yes i grouted same day.

thanks for the advice, i am going to check the dammage and see what i can do to fix the problem. worst case scenario would be to re grout. Correct?
Another granfix grout problem....seems to be a few cropping up .....some grouts especially the coloured ones need to mixed well before commencing grouting.....dave..
I had it once. I was told it could have been the fact that the water to grout mix each time wasn't the same! I grout with Ardex only now.
I use granfix a lot and have not experienced any problems...maybe time for a change before I do..may try mapei..


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