Very interesting.
I've got some EasyBond Limelite left over from plastering granite walls. It's a cementous bonding agent with resins in as far as i can tell.
Would this be suitable for use ontop of concrete or screed substrate ?
The plasterer told me to use it instead of PVA for making sure the plaster adhered to the granite rubble wall (he'll be doing the finish coat but wasn't interested in the dub and scratch coats 🙂 ).
Just interested to see if I can use up some materials wisely ?!
I have only used thistle bond as a sealer/adhering agent when skimming over well dried bonding as it seems to do away with the air bubbles that form and can show through a finish when pva is used.
Never heard of Easybond so cannnot comment on its pro's & con's,but why not have a chat with your supplier ,maybe your stuff will do or they will advise on an alternative.Surely if the plasterer is responsible for the wall he needs to do and recommend the prep ?.Sorry I cant be of to much help but to so so I would need see the job.
I use these for repairs and plastering on concrete.
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If you give Bal technical department a call they will talk you through a reccomendation using their products , i think its because some work as a sheet primer and others as a particle primer so wont peel if there is any air or moisture content