When the cycle turns back up, you'll come out of it more sharper than before, ready to expand, IF you are single-minded enough to weather it.
When the cycle turns back up, you'll come out of it more sharper than before, ready to expand, IF you are single-minded enough to weather it.
It is said that opportunists can smell money. The times have been good for the past few years. Alot of people have been attracted into the tiling business as a result of that, and though many are serious in their endeavor, many are merely in it for a quick buck.
If the times are changing for the worse, remember that it is temporary, and that harder times weed out cowboys and poor performers.
View harder times as a challenge. Hardships forces us to better ourselves.
Become better and more effective at what you do. Broaden your skills, and provide a better service than your competition.
When the cycle turns back up, you'll come out of it more sharper than before, ready to expand, IF you are single-minded enough to weather it.
My five cents...
I have a mortgage and i have 3 other houses i rent out, yes im flying by the seat of my pants, and having that hanging over your head makes you hungry for work, i know its my choice but it gets me out to work a 7am everyday...Keeps me a sharp businessman knowing i have to earn xyz every week. You need to have something to aim for in life, I'm 42 and by the time I'm 55 i want to retire and have time to enjoy the rest of my life.Agree with enduro your've got to keep pushing on, If it was like the recession in the late eighties I would be bothered. I've never bought a house allways rented so hav'nt got that pressure of a mortgage.
fair comment m8.If there's no work and too many tilers why do all the training course websites say that there's a shortage and lots of £££ to be had?
I know the obvious "cos they want to sell places on their courses but its not good if they're lying on page 1 of their sites.
Had a few knocks in my time. Back in the late 80's got took for £90 grand on one job.....end result ...lost house, business, car and fairweather friends. Then in the late 90's went off on a 6 week contract and had van and all tools nicked......only two days into job.
My other half asks why I am always happy.......What more could go wrong? Always sing the good old Monty Pythons song to myself most days....' Always look on the bright side of life....etc.....etc...'
You've done the hard work in the last year so why give up now? Start thinking about past customers......were they looking for more tiling work in the future. Try Topps and ask them about being one of their Topps Approved Installer. If you start going down the Doom and Gloom slide it becomes obvious to any potential customer.......no matter how hard things appear there is always someone less fortunate than yourself.