Discuss re grouting a bathroom, advice really... in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.




New to the forums and after starting to dig out the old grout I am wondering if I have bitten off more than I can chew (so to speak!)

When my (ex) hubby grouted our bathroom tiles, he decided to do some weird grout and go thicker than all the lines should have been. Making it look a bit "rustic" so he said. :whatchutalkingabout

Now I can make decisions on my own about the house, I wanted to dig it all out and regrout it back to how tiles should look properly.

I am using the digging out tool and some of it on the edge and at the top is coming off really easy. Now I have got to the central part I am finding it hard to dig out.

I am also having to scrape it off the tiles as it was stuck all round the flat face edges.

Any advice really please.


lol Raja, if you would be happy spending a couple of days raking out grout for a cuppa n biscuit then get yourself round there.

Re-grouting is a horrible job to do even for good money as you really have to remove as much as possible for the new grout to take into the grout lines.
But if you are not bothered how long it will take to do then it's not a difficult job to do, just very time consuming, and does have the chance of you slipping with whatever you use to rake out the grout and damaging surrounding tiles.

Good luck and welcome to the forums


Regrouting holds second place on my list of tiling related pet pews. If I were you, I'd rip the whole thing away and put in new tiles. Otherwise, I'd rent an electrical grout remover, such as a Fein Multimaster, or a reciprocating saw with a "grout grabber" attachment. If you do that, don't forget to wear appropriate protective gear, and to seal of the room which you're regrouting completely, as the dust will get everywhere otherwise.

Welcome to the forums :)


Thanks Raja for your "suggestions" hehe!! :lol: I don't think I would like a strange man popping round from the internet :uhoh2:

That grout remover looks good! looks like it should have a hoover attatchment on it to catch the dust!

What happens to the tile spacers, it must mash through them also :huh2:

I think I will just have to stick my head down over the next couple of days and just be patient in the knowledge that this is a tedious and boring job!!!

Thanks for all your replies, I will let you know how it goes!

PS - can you post pictures on here with an IMG tag?


Thanks Raja for your "suggestions" hehe!! :lol: I don't think I would like a strange man popping round from the internet :uhoh2:

That grout remover looks good! looks like it should have a hoover attatchment on it to catch the dust!

What happens to the tile spacers, it must mash through them also :huh2:

I think I will just have to stick my head down over the next couple of days and just be patient in the knowledge that this is a tedious and boring job!!!

Thanks for all your replies, I will let you know how it goes!

PS - can you post pictures on here with an IMG tag?

Strange men where ?????

None on here mind u there is 1 really stunning looking one who has a way with women avoid him

goes by the name of erm erm let me think erm ohhh forgot :lol:


yes I did think about the "strange men" comment, as I was posting that! Although it was meant more tongue in cheek, as Raja was being cheeky (and still is) :tt2:

Well this morning I am back at it, and it is worse than watching paint dry! The tough bits are slowly coming away with a bit of elbow grease (which as a weak limbed female, is hurting my pointy finger) :grin: I can see me being here a while!!

FYI - this is how bad the grouting was and some of the bit I've dug out (does that look ok to regrout?



pah - I think the likelyhood of me tackling another job like this ever again is non exsistent :lol: it's more a case of "I've started, so I'll (have to) finish!!!

I have to keep stopping for little breaks to give my fingers a rest! :grin:

but I will post a photo afterwards to show you what girl power can do!!!:hurray:

on a plus note, I have just come across another bit that is coming out easier, it's just those stubborn tough areas nearer the bottom - is there a reason that bit is harder to do? more water contact :huh2:


I have just come across another bit that is coming out easier, it's just those stubborn tough areas nearer the bottom - is there a reason that bit is harder to do? more water contact :huh2:


Fresh grout doesn't "dry" per se when you apply it; it cures. That means the cement in it reacts with water, chemically binding much of it. If grout "dries", by which I mean it loses moisture too rapidly (the substrate might too absorbant, the temperature is to high, sun shines directly onto it for the first few hours/days, etc), the result is often weak, and more easily damaged. This is why many manufacturers recommend that you keep freshly grouted surfaces damp for two or three days after application; the result is tougher and more durable, as it the additional water allows it to cure properly.

The grout being harder close to where it's been subjected to the most water is therefore logical.
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Reply to re grouting a bathroom, advice really... in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com

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