Discuss re grouting a bathroom, advice really... in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.




New to the forums and after starting to dig out the old grout I am wondering if I have bitten off more than I can chew (so to speak!)

When my (ex) hubby grouted our bathroom tiles, he decided to do some weird grout and go thicker than all the lines should have been. Making it look a bit "rustic" so he said. :whatchutalkingabout

Now I can make decisions on my own about the house, I wanted to dig it all out and regrout it back to how tiles should look properly.

I am using the digging out tool and some of it on the edge and at the top is coming off really easy. Now I have got to the central part I am finding it hard to dig out.

I am also having to scrape it off the tiles as it was stuck all round the flat face edges.

Any advice really please.


yes you have all been very helpful!

Thanks for all the advice :thumbsup:

Any time for a lady who thinks we r strange men :lol:

Stick with us after r grouting is finally finished

as we can advice in all areas there is a wealth of experiance on the forum

Each member has somthing special to offer my speciality being more of a erm well how can i put it erm

Ladies Man Maybe :lol:

All the best


hehe! you have made me giggle with your comments, so that can't be a bad thing! :yes: need all the encouragement I can get with this boring job on hand!!!

from the woman with grout dust in her hair :lol: (I would imagine - just the way you like em on here) :hair2: any excuse to use your cool emoticons! :grin:

First rule of the game if the lady smiles half won over :lol:

Listen lady u wil find i am a conasour of only i repeat ONLY fine women

U would have to pass strategic tests b 4 i liked u like can u iron? cook? clean? etc only then would i let u stamp my card:lol:


FYI - this is how bad the grouting was and some of the bit I've dug out (does that look ok to regrout?


your doing a bloody good job at getting those grout lines nice and clean.. fancy becoming my apprentice lol:lol:


well I am still going with this, I have dug out all of one side and am in the process of re grouting it. I decided I should finish off the last bit of digging out before I carry on with the grout! The bit I've done looks really good though and I am pleased - although will most probably never touch another tile in my life ;)

I will post a photo when i have completely finished (it got put on hold a bit due to life and the sun coming out) so taking me ages, but I will get there in the end!


I will post a photo when i have completely finished (it got put on hold a bit due to life and the sun coming out) so taking me ages, but I will get there in the end![/quote]

life and sun??? SUN??? whats that then, the only thing i ever seem to see is the underside of a kitchen cabinet or the inside of a shower cubicle or bathroom, when i see the sun ( i mean get a glimpse) it is because i am going outside to the van to get something (well i used to go outside, now the apprentice sees the sun, damn he is lucky.. they say life gets easier with an apprentice..... yeah and costs go out of control)
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