i tend to agree with Gaz for the addy and stuff but as for someones idea of 10mm grout lines halve it
Hi willbones, depending onthe make - I only have experience with Dennis Ruabon quarries - they don't need sealing. In fact the Raubon tech specs point out that they SHOULD NOT be sealed. If they are Ruabon quarries then look on to their site and look at their tech sheets or the whole tech spec manual. it gives a huge amount of info regarding specification, fixing and cleaning and the like.They are quarry tiles - how's best to lay these little bauties? I was gonna key the floor, prime with BAL primer, lay using BAL flexi, grout with W/J grout with GT1 admix in. Do the tiles nees sealing? If they do? Is it best to seal before I lay them, or between laying ang grouting? Will they cut on a flat bed dry cutter?
Many thanks guys, you are a fountain of knowledge as per usual
That will be your last word...well done..Mr you know it all...Gaz. if you dont know what a quarry tile is you you shouldnt even call yourself a tiler .