Most customers don't pay any attention to how much the materials are, all they care about is, what's the total?
Yep, this is pretty much identical to my prices, though I charge a tenner for primer.My prices for materials are the same whoever the customer. I don't charge for consumables, I think that's a bit Ott. I charge £25 per bag of adhesive or leveller. £20 per bag of grout. £5 Silicon. That's about it, I don't charge for primer or anything. Trims, £5 plastic, £15 metal.
Yup!Think You missed some *'s off the labour bit
Hahaha...should be grey, if you'd have hidden the black sample like I said we'd have got away with it 😉Tell thee what mate, they can pay for 2 wash boys and floats after that 50m2 plank floor we are grouting in charcoal tomorrow 🙁
try 200% 😉Interesting this, so no one's charging for sponges, clips etc..although marking up adhesive by about 80% its no wonder 😉
I feel guilty charging £20 a bag...so note to self.
Only just recently started charging for screws for hardi as was thinking why on earth should I be paying for them..
I have been known to ask a customer to buy me a new grout float and washboy sponge when black grout gets mentioned..usually to try and put them off but it never works :|