Rubi nd 200 for sale

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Hi Inspreadable

I've got the same model exact except mine is now 7 years old and has done so much work its starting to show its age. This model is an induction motor - so out lasts all others. I'm on my 6th Rubi blade and it does not owe me a penny. I've got a big one too, but don't tell my wife - she won't agree. (Its called DR-300-EN)

Now here's a thought - 230v you say.

Unless you are contracted for 110 v on site, the HSE will - as far as I know, allow you to run 230v on site now, as long as it is equipped with a circuit breaker with a reaction speed of 50 milli-seconds or faster. Before you sell your machine to any of the mean goons on this site for empty beer cans and some rotting bananas, broken and knackered tools etc - I would suggest that you double check if you can still operate it with a suitable breaker - cost you less than £10 plug in between your cutter plug and the socket. - I use mine all the time - every day because I do not trust customers power to be safe.

Off to my local suppilers Rubi open day tomorrow - Friday 26th where Rubi have got a S/Steel ND 200 S/s body as well as the table on special offer !

Might be worth checking first - Don't just take the site foreman's word for it - check.

Richard :thumbsup:
your absolutly right on this richard

you can use 240v on site providing you have a breaker

now find a 240v socket on site to plug your breaker into:thumbsup:


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