The floor was proborbly very deflective/bouncy thats why they failed??
Thanks Martin and Mr Tea Bag for your response.
Yes, I am double checking what my builders used. But I don't know what SLC they used. Brand new kitchen sitting on a failed floor! My builders have ripped the floor up and say it failed because I have a few spliced joists (they did not tell me about at the time) and that it is my fault. They want to charge me over £5000 to rectify the joists and lay a new tiled floor. No way!!! Hence, I am gathering information against them.
Since posting, I have had 3 positive individual SLC companies email me to say they have no products to recommend. Instead, they advise to put plywood or Hardibacker board over the Egger P5 boards.
Thanks again,
I think she says he slc the floor dave