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Come on guys this is all getting a bit out of hand isnt it. The builder has a clear cut case in my opinion.

Surely as every good builder will tell you the tiler has many responsibilities other than simply laying tiles. He always carries the responsibily for placing the tiles in a clean, dry and completely sterile environment whilst wearing a white pvc chemical suit with suitable breathing filters to remove any bacteria or fungal spores from the breath as he works. Clearly as all qualified builders and pigeon fanciers know it is imperitive that you dont breath on your tiles or anywhere near your working environment just in case you contaminate it in some way. You should always hermetically seal all bricks likely to come into contact with you, your family, anyone elses family, the dog, the cat, the budgie and anything else that is likley to be able to touch, see, hear, be next to or, and this is the most important one, place either maliciously or by accident any type of fungal spores on the brickwork or mortar in between. Dont forget according to the relevevant BS (and i dont mean british standard) you should stick all tiles down using an antifunicidal matting along with the lastest special brush applied anti fungus coating on each cement particle in the grout..... All goes without saying really surely. Inwould have thought these were in your standard contract documents......common sense you see......

I would be interested in what type of fungus it is ...... Be a bit strange if its dry rot wouldnt it....... That would eliminate the damp as an issue cos it dont need much......... Alternatively it might some thing you can harvest and fry up with a nice bit of bacon and some free range eggs.......

You can probably see i am not very busy today....


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
It might be the windows. Do the casings have 'moth vents' in them? See if the windows mist up when you get there. I'd suspect damp would build up with poor ventilation rather than bricks soaking up moisture from outside. The wall (which is normally a small % of the total outside surface area) should have insulation in it and a couple of inches gap between the internal and external brickwork. Just like a new build house. So the moisture shouldn't be coming in via the brickwork.

I'd put money on it being the roof, or the casings to the windows having no vents in them. Thus causing moisture from the inside, not outside.

If it isn't that then perhaps the DPM in the slab has failed somehow. Either way, it's not the tiling.


It might be the windows. Do the casings have 'moth vents' in them? See if the windows mist up when you get there. I'd suspect damp would build up with poor ventilation rather than bricks soaking up moisture from outside. The wall (which is normally a small % of the total outside surface area) should have insulation in it and a couple of inches gap between the internal and external brickwork. Just like a new build house. So the moisture shouldn't be coming in via the brickwork.

I'd put money on it being the roof, or the casings to the windows having no vents in them. Thus causing moisture from the inside, not outside.

If it isn't that then perhaps the DPM in the slab has failed somehow. Either way, it's not the tiling.

if moisture is coming up,the DPM has either failed or none been put in or there is a break in it or the cavity is blocked and striking through.

go get em bri :)


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
if moisture is coming up,the DPM has either failed or none been put in or there is a break in it or the cavity is blocked and striking through.

go get em bri :)

Cavity! That's the word I was after!!!!!! I could picture it but not think of the damn word for it so I said 'couple of inches gap' doh!


I won't be fixing a thing! Just popping in to tell the client the builder is trying it on, have a nosey at the fungus, then be on my way!

Sent via Tapatalk for iPad

Don't stick your nose in the fungus though, Bri, i.e. don't breathe the spores in. I speak from bitter experience from doing up one particular Cornish cottage, lots of mold, wasn't worried about it until I got pleurisy from it .. and it was confirmed, mold spores was the cause.


I'll poke it with a long stick! Something occurred to me earlier on today, the fungus is growing on the floor where the conservatory joins the house, I'll put a few quid on the fact the the DPM hasn't been lapped up that wall and into the brickwork of the house so the moisture/damp is still able to travel up at that point.

Could be.. or there is a difference in floor levels between house and conservatory or even a covered air brick issue from the house, or depending on the ground some old land drain issues, going up as rising damp between the house and conservatory damp proof course .... but remember, luckily this is not your problem. Just stay away from breathing it in. I hate mold now, with a vengeance. Horrible stuff.

Alan M

take a few pics when your there.
a m8 of mine got shafted by another tradesman on a job. he did a job ( inhsalled a press i think)and something happened behind the wall to a pipe . anyway he didnt do anything to it as he had no reason to go any where near it as he fixed the press neer the front or side ( alcove i think). any way the 2 stories below were ruined . the plumber blamed him even thow there was no sign he damaged the wall . he went round and told them where to go (showing them no damage to the wall). he got a call a week or 2 later from them demanding money to fix the house.
he did the proper thing and got a report done ( so he could defent himself if they went after him) . when he went back the wall was ripped out and fixed back and he couldnt prove he didnt damage it. they took him to court be he had to pay .

be warned , not everybody is a honest as us. there are people out there that could do anything to get out of paying them selfs.
a few pics will cover your self


Well, Mr Builder man wasn't there this morning, he couldn't make it! So I had a look on my own and discovered a few things, the corner with the damp in was more wet than damp which makes me think it's a leak rather than rising damp, the conservatory wall looked like it hadn't been tied into the house properly as there was a 2/3mm crack running down the wall where house/conservatory joined, the mastic in the same area had moved and stretched so much that it had split, finally, it looked as if 3 air bricks had been covered over when the conservatory slab went in! I couldn't be 100% sure what the cause was but, is sure as hell wasn't the tiling! If I were a gambling man I'd say it was a combination of poor construction methods and incorrect damp proofing.

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