should i drop my price

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you know what builders are like they will try and get you do to the work as cheap as they can he did say if there was any domestic work he would pay me £20 but because this is site work he said 18 m2

£1000 a week for a 20 yr old lad is a bloody good wage
£1000 a week for any age is a bloody good wage! 52 weeks - 52k:hurray:
Agree with Brian c. If you have alot of work go for £20, if not £18 is better than waiting on the phone to ring getting nothing. I know i'd settle for £1000 a week. Like Clay say's £52 k a year.
Take 18m2 matey, thats good cash, you have no quoting to do, no overheads, no materials to source/deliver, after you have done it for 3-4 weeks you will get quicker and quicker so will earn more.

Just make sure you get paid every other unit.
go for it mate you cant knock a grand a week easy money but i would ask him to meet you halfway £19.00 if he says no then take the £18.00
£18 a sqm is very good money from a builder if your tiling fresh walls all the time its great.Thats a big job you have on mate so its only reasonable you drop your rate a bit,do you think you'll earn that money with that regularity looking for different jobs yourself?

I did a bathroom showroom before Christmas,got the work through a builder,I did the job on a day rate of £135 and I think the builder was earning £20 a day subbing me out.
The upshot was I had work everyday within walking distance of my house for 3 months at a decent rate,he gave me a cheque every week for my work,the downside was I might have got more if I'd gone behind his back to the shopfitting company as he wasn't doing anything really for his money.

After 6 weeks on the job which was great different designs,different materials,decent blokes to work with,walking to work and the chance to get loads of work from the showroom the builder told me he'd still not recieved a penny for me even though he'd paid me all my money up untill then.

He had big problems getting the money out of this company at every stage where as I had it easy and was paid each week.

Its better to get a decent wage regulary than try to pull in loads of different jobs that might prove difficult,having customers let you down and all.

That builder now gives me alot of work and has given me good contacts,I'm doing work for a builder next week at £15 a sqm(floors only) and I should easily earn £200+ a day.I'll take that any day over domestics where customers are getting in your way or are talking to you all day,not slagging domestics as thats my main market but can sometimes prove a pain.
now he said 18 he claims its the goin rate for labour only round this area
i think hes goin to give me all the cash and i will deduct tax and national insurance

i think ur right grumps18 is better than a kick in the arse last week i would hve earned £1000 so cant complain there

I cant belive you dont know if he is deducting your tax, sounds to me you need to get something in writing, i can see this ending in tears, He has to stop your tax, but he cant tax your materials.
...i think ur right grumps18 is better than a kick in the arse last week i would hve earned £1000 so cant complain there

Hello LM, go for it, yours and grumpy´s opinion is right. After all - if you don´t do it another one will do it for sure. And if you do it you push up your reputation.
now he said 18 he claims its the goin rate for labour only round this area
i think hes goin to give me all the cash and i will deduct tax and national insurance

i think ur right grumps18 is better than a kick in the arse last week i would hve earned £1000 so cant complain there

Need to be a touch careful her LM, the guy is breaking the law if he does it that way, though that is not really your problem. Still having the Tax Man knocking on your door for whatever reason can be a little disconcerting!

For him to pay you with deduction at 18%, you need to be registered as a sub-contractor with HMRC. If you are not registered, he should make the deduction at 30%!!!

a message for gumps and enduro

yes im registered as a subcontractor i have been since 16 this is the first time ive done any site work working for myself when i was subcontracting for a tiling firm they used to take out 18% out of my wage every week

What i need to know is does the builder take my tax out or does he give me what is owed and i deduct the tax like domestic work


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