Sigma tile cutters , sale now on..

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I remember the days when 'Sigma' used to be a dirty word on here. :hurray:

Was it.. i have never ever said a bad word about sigma..

I remember the days when 'Sigma' used to be a dirty word on here. :hurray:
even though I've always used rubi I don't think (on my previous account) that I ever dissed sigma and i think that my next cutter, probably to replace my tx700, will be a sigma.
Well while I could say I always knew Sigma would triumph , credit needs to be given to those that promote these cutters and that would be the likes of Derek Griffin. Since Dereks name has been seen so have the benefits of the Sigma brand.
No company can sit back and rest on their name, as good as Rubi are...they are losing fixers.
Cheers Derek, its great having you here and really enjoy having your input and enthusiasm. :8:
Thank you for the kind words. Glad to be here and get the feedback from those who are working on the front line. And Italy if your looking at this thread pay rise please!!!:yikes:
got to agree Neale, I've come across Derek since I registered on other forum, top bloke that doesn't dodge bullets and always answers honestly,,my type of guy:thumbsup:
Derek has done great work here in shedding some light on the often misunderstood but significantly better cutting machines. :lol:
I would probs have never tried a Sigma if it was not for Derek at Sigma uk... I am now a convert and well and truly hooked on these cutters... awesome is an understatement and i would have never thought they would work as good as they do and be so easy to switch over from a twin rail cutter.

i have been a Rubi user since around 1995 when i got my first rubi cutter ,a ts40.. i had a clinker before that... but i have used the Sigma 3CK on one job so far and cannot wait to use it again on a nice 60x60 porcs job shortly.. it is hard to say in words how well these machines cut.. you really do have to try one to see what i mean..

I know that i ave had Rubi v Sigma banter on here for ages and ages and could not see what the Sigma guys raved so much when my TX700 would cut anything i threw at it.

But the Sigma 3CK is in another league IMHO.. you really really do have to try one to appreciate them.. infact any model in the range would sufffice to your needs.. so take advantage of the SALE above and treat yourself to a new way of cutting than you are used to... you will not regret it..

Dave...( used to be a rubi user. 🙂🙂🙂 )


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