slate tiles on shower walls

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kev richy

Have Just Been Asked To Tile Shower With Slate.shower Cubicle Already In And Mixer Unit.would I Be Correct To Get Mixer Unit Removed To Expose Pipes Then Drill Holes In Tile And Then Fix Tiles?also Whats The Best Way To Mark Tiles.? Hope This Makes Sense As Iam Not The Best On Computer ? Thanks In Advance Too Anyone Who Understands This.
hi kev..
It is usaully best to remove any fittings and use hole cutters etc.....just depends upon the type of unit.....I use a pencil to mark the cuts etc then use a dry cutter(hand) to mark the lines before wet cutting....hope this helps......
Areet Dave. Thanks For The Quick Reply.only Bit Not Sure About Is How Too Mark Shower Pipes,should I Measure And Then Mark On Tile Centre Of Pipe Then Drill,sorry If This Is A Bit Basic But Just Want To Be Sure And Make A Good Job.the Customer Is A Kitchen Fitter So It May Lead To More Work.
no probs kev...Just take your full tiles up to the nearest one away from the shower pipes and on the sides if you can..then measure from these tiles to centre of the pipes and transfer measurements to tile to be drilled.....or if you can only get your tiles up to the bottom of the nearest one then just plumb up ( with level) and mark with a pencil and take your measurements from these lines.....hope this is clear enough for you.....:thumbsup: :grin:
Thats an intimadating(good spelling)avatar you have Dave,which cow ate his porridge to pi** him off so much:lol:
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Remove all the final fixings. Expose the pipes.

Offer up the tile just under the pipe. Mark the centre points at the edge of the tile

Offer the tile up to the side of the pipe. Mark the side of the tile.

Draw lines into the tile to find the centre points.

Use the drill plate and a pencil to mark the hole size and location on the tile.

Drill the holes into the tile.


The results of drilling will be a perfect hole in the slate tile. Offer it to the wall and over the pipework.

Most fittings will cap off and hide the hole (shame..) so you may not have to be millimeter perfect. Also if you are slightly off with accuracy then you can use the sides of the drills to grind out to the correct position. But I am sure you are accurate so will not need to....


Slate is softer than granite and porcelain so easier and quicker to drill holes in.

If you have more questions of course just call me..

Thank you Richard. That's a great help. I got my drills on friday after speaking to you on Wednesday cheers.


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