Slc over ditra

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Interesting that 3 fall. The rep told me I could use Slc over ditra heat to save on adhesive. Cheers for the info tho.
Now see, that's not what you said in your post was it! Haha
You said
how come they recommend to Slc over ditra heat and not normal ditra and he couldn't give me a proper answer , he just faffed.
Which is not actually the same thing is it! Haha
Your second post makes much more sense, good to know too!
How about this then?: In some places they comb the floor with 12mm notch of runny adhesive then roller the Ditra to the adhesive - UPSIDE DOWN.
Saves time filling the holes.

Look - if it works, it works. Maybe not in the labs, but in the real world.
So if it works - do it. If it doesn't - don't.
If you're unsure - ask.
But take it from me - you're far better off working it out for yourself.

I get what you are saying but when you say ''if it works, it works'', and in the ''real world'' etc BUT How long does it work? wheres the testing and the long term proof..

Trust me, Ive been in the construction industry since 1985 and if I had to take the word of a science dept or a guy with a hunch, then i'm going with the science dept..why?? because they prove what they claim works.

BUT I hear what you are saying and I get respect your view.
I get what you are saying but when you say ''if it works, it works'', and in the ''real world'' etc BUT How long does it work? wheres the testing and the long term proof..

Trust me, Ive been in the construction industry since 1985 and if I had to take the word of a science dept or a guy with a hunch, then i'm going with the science dept..why?? because they prove what they claim works.

BUT I hear what you are saying and I get respect your view.

Then I thank you 🙂
As a profession we really need to start getting away from being "babied" and spoon fed all our info from manufacturers. For too long they've held all the cards. They should be really be working with us and for us, instead of trying to simply milk us all for profit.

Times - they are a changin'... (or will be soon I hope)
unfortunately that's the cut throat world of business and profit and it ain't going to change.

they report back any minuscule changes in temperature, expansion, grip, water resistance and whatever else they want to use as a reason to increase prices or launch a 'new improved product'. they try to brain wash us through marketing, 'freebies for trials' and hearsay through regurgitation of gullible forum members BUT if you know different and you can prove it, then I say use it and keep it to yourself and your apprentice because if you say it on here, or there for that matter, not every body will buy into your experience because.....we are just ordinary tradesman, with no clout, no influence and no importance...........cruel but true.


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