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Andy Allen

Never ever smoked even though smoking has ran in one side of the family,never seen the fascination. I have never rammed it down smokers necks about the smell, and obvious health effects but it doesn't help when smokers take the mikey milling round entrances and you have to walk through a wall of smoke.......not nice!

read post 11......:smilewinkgrin:

Time's Ran Out

I am on the "Champix". Been on them for almost 2 weeks now. They are a tablet for cutting down on the cravings Bri. They do work.....to a degree. List of possible side effects as long as your arm, including suicidal tendencies......now that is a sure fire way of giving up.

For the peeps out there who don't/
never smoked.......please don't comment, as there is nothing worse than a non smoker who bleats on about "disgusting habits/bad for health" blah blah blah.

Smokers DO know this......but like any DRUG, they are addictive.

sorry for rant......need to slap something/someone :lol:

Maybe should take up drinking more. :yikes:

Just the attitude I'd expect from a smoker! Couldn't care what non smokers think just so selfish to inflict the the disgusting habit on others. Get wise to the facts, get some willpower and start thinking about others a bit more - cigarettes Kill!

Andy Allen

Just the attitude I'd expect from a smoker! Couldn't care what non smokers think just so selfish to inflict the the disgusting habit on others. Get wise to the facts, get some willpower and start thinking about others a bit more - cigarettes Kill!

coffees bad for you too.......maybe we should just pack in everything we enjoy...:smilewinkgrin:

On one

read post 11......:smilewinkgrin:
Thanks for the reminder AA
I never intend/ed to preach.........as far as I am concerned you can do whatever whenever you want.....but when it starts to affect others........
Smoking may be addictive but look at the number of people that have kicked the habit.....it is possible
Good luck and best wishes to anyone that intends to give up.
Got an e-cig 4 weeks ago and haven't had a *** since. Yes I know I'm still a nicotine addict but the e-juice costs me £2.50 a week (and I 'vape' alot). I feel so much better for it - just like smoking but none of the crap going into your lungs and no smell.
Only a matter of time before the government start taxing the e-juice though, even though if every smoker went onto these then all smoking related deaths and illnesses would be a thing of the past saving the NHS billions and billions.

i don't think they will be able to tax it as its so easy to make yourself unless they tax the nicotine solution itself !!!
I love my tornado ego cig 6 months and counting


Passive smoking... If you are working in a customers house , then this then becomes a place of work , so you are within your rights to ask them not to smoke..

Has anyone actually done this..?

Even as a smoker I can't stand the smell of houses that get smoked in, I've been in houses before where the customers chain smoked, the smell in my hair and clothes at the end of the day was revolting. Reminded me of the smell on my clothes after a night out, when smoking was permitted in pubs and clubs. The ban has cut my smoking in half, mainly because I can't be bothered to go outside.


Just the attitude I'd expect from a smoker! Couldn't care what non smokers think just so selfish to inflict the the disgusting habit on others. Get wise to the facts, get some willpower and start thinking about others a bit more - cigarettes Kill!

And yours is just the attitude I'd expect from a non smokers.

Smokers are treated as lepers....and in a way, should be......but not every smoker is selfish to inflict on others.
Smoking is as addictive as drink or drugs, and smokers know about the downsides, but your the selfish type that whinges about US, and goes about tutting and arm waving. Smokers know the facts.

We can't All be mineral water drinking, tree hugging, gym members..........Gyms Kill as well. :)


Someone took your dummy/cigarette out!
If you post a thread on a forum expect to receive replies that are not always complimentary as other views make a discussion.
However if you'd rather display a childish attitude I shall ignore your future threads.

Never get, or expect compliments for smoking, FROM non/never have smoked peeps John. As for spitting out dummy/ciggy, but wot has got right on my bloody nerve for years now, is people like u who have moaned and groaned about smokers and the disgusting habits.......as if you or other non smokers don't have any dodgy habits.

i admit, my willpower is not brilliant, but as I said, it's like any addiction. Bloody difficult to stop.........and non smokers find that hard to believe.

Smokers, & non smokers will never agree..............but, smokers DO, generally know the downsides of smoking, but like other things in life........It's OUR choice as to "do we or don't we"

On one

It has has long been know about the long term effects of breathing asbestos, so they ended up banning the manufacture of asbestos because of it's detriment to health. Now the very same health problems are known about smoking cigarettes, but will the Government ban the manufacture of tobacco products.....will they heckerslike.......not when they are raking in billions of £££££ in tax and vat on the back of sales of tobacco.
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