
Someone took your dummy/cigarette out!
If you post a thread on a forum expect to receive replies that are not always complimentary as other views make a discussion.
However if you'd rather display a childish attitude I shall ignore your future threads.

Never get, or expect compliments for smoking, FROM non/never have smoked peeps John. As for spitting out dummy/ciggy, but wot has got right on my bloody nerve for years now, is people like u who have moaned and groaned about smokers and the disgusting if you or other non smokers don't have any dodgy habits.

i admit, my willpower is not brilliant, but as I said, it's like any addiction. Bloody difficult to stop.........and non smokers find that hard to believe.

Smokers, & non smokers will never agree..............but, smokers DO, generally know the downsides of smoking, but like other things in life........It's OUR choice as to "do we or don't we"
It has has long been know about the long term effects of breathing asbestos, so they ended up banning the manufacture of asbestos because of it's detriment to health. Now the very same health problems are known about smoking cigarettes, but will the Government ban the manufacture of tobacco products.....will they heckerslike.......not when they are raking in billions of £££££ in tax and vat on the back of sales of tobacco.


Which tile adhesive brand did you use most this year?

  • Palace

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • Kerakoll

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Ardex

    Votes: 12 7.0%
  • Mapei

    Votes: 49 28.5%
  • Ultra Tile

    Votes: 21 12.2%
  • BAL

    Votes: 40 23.3%
  • Wedi

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Benfer

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • Tilemaster

    Votes: 24 14.0%
  • Weber

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Other (any other brand not listed)

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Nicobond

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • Norcros

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Kelmore

    Votes: 5 2.9%



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