C Charlotte Braham Jun 2, 2018 #11 I will add I’ve tried loads of cleaners such as HG TILE CLEANER - LTP POWER STRIPPER .. so would you still recommend the intensive cleaner rather than power clean?
I will add I’ve tried loads of cleaners such as HG TILE CLEANER - LTP POWER STRIPPER .. so would you still recommend the intensive cleaner rather than power clean?
L Lithofin BOB TF Esteemed Jun 2, 2018 #14 I wondered how you used it, this will be an alkaline product and a good one. did you use a white pad, scrub every min of the suggested time or apply and wipe off after the suggested time.
I wondered how you used it, this will be an alkaline product and a good one. did you use a white pad, scrub every min of the suggested time or apply and wipe off after the suggested time.
C Charlotte Braham Jun 2, 2018 #15 I think I applied waited abit then scrubbed for a bit with a normal kitchen green scouter then wiped off I think
I think I applied waited abit then scrubbed for a bit with a normal kitchen green scouter then wiped off I think
C Charlotte Braham Jun 2, 2018 #16 I would of done it as per the instructions but that wasn’t scrubbing every minute no 🙁
L Lithofin BOB TF Esteemed Jun 2, 2018 #17 Did this make any difference, if not you may need to test an acidic based cement residue remover specific to porcelain tiles as impish.
Did this make any difference, if not you may need to test an acidic based cement residue remover specific to porcelain tiles as impish.
C Charlotte Braham Jun 2, 2018 #18 I can’t remember really I think both the above cleaners made some difference but not massive the stains were still visible
I can’t remember really I think both the above cleaners made some difference but not massive the stains were still visible
L Lithofin BOB TF Esteemed Jun 2, 2018 #19 As above , test a specific cement/ grout remover for porcelain tiles on one tile first, white pad from a tile shop.
As above , test a specific cement/ grout remover for porcelain tiles on one tile first, white pad from a tile shop.
C Charlotte Braham Jun 2, 2018 #20 Fab I will order the power clean now and let you know how I get on.. thanks for all your advice