A bit of subject, but I was diagnosed with Housemaids Knee last year, given a course of steroids, followed by advise to take antiflams and ice packs, and would be ok after 3-5 weeks by the local joints specialist. Eight weeks after it started there was improvement, but kneeling even with Alpro Medical kneepads was very painful ànd had to be kept to a minimum choosing wall tiling jobs only.
To begin with, every evening was spent ice packing the knee and day times spent on pain killers and antiflams.
15 months later a full week floor tiling with a labourer knocking up adhesive and passing tiles so I rarely get off my knees still takes a lot of management over the weekend to reduce the inflammation.
Does this sound familiar to anyone diagnosed with the same, or is it more likely to be something else?
Dont want to sound like an old woman, and understand that 20 years tiling takes its toll, but would be good to get it sorted if it's been misdiagnosed.