It appears that reinforced resin on the back of marble or any stone and tile requires an appropriate adhesive to ensure a good bond to the substrate.
Their does not appear to be any
standards for the application of the resin backing so it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the correct adhesive is used.
The marble should have been fixed with an adhesive that is not only compatible with the substrate but also with the resin reinforced backing to the back of the marble tiles.
The adhesive required will depend upon what type of material has been attached to the back of the tile.
here is a link for a report on the subject of resin backed marble and stone
The problem you face now is twofold. A moisture problem that has reacted with the slc which has caused a dominoe affect by creating a secondary problem with the possible inadequatly adherred marble tiles:yikes:.
Once you solve the moisture problem, hopefully the secondary problem will resolve itself seeing that the marble has already been down for two and half years.
Has anyone seen this or heard of problems with the resin reinforcement on marble tiles? Apparently the backing is normally used on thin natural stone and marble. Also i know that the extra large format tiles between 3 - 5mm thick have this backing.
Is going to be a problem?
And will the industry require the more expensive adhesives be used to ensure adequate adhesion of the tiles?
What do you know and what are your thoughts on this guys?:8: