Thank you DAVE will be reading up in detail on the sites u have listed greatly apreciated raja
300x300 quarries? interesting.
As Dave says , what about stair nosings?
Are the stairs ply too?
THe way it was said to me sounded like they were simplest things in the world to lay but always are. Are quarrys easy to cut never dealt with them before? Was told the tiles were arriving 1 day next week so wil pop down to have a look mid week do you think i priced it right Neale around 30sq metres i was told even though i measured 24sq metres but did not argue as they were getting tiles L shaped landing big and staircase £1400Are we talking real Ruabon type quarries here or does the forman mean ceramic tiles? I would get a peek at the tiles as this will make a difference.
Stair nosings come in the form of the type Dave has given the link for and in the form of a black tile with groves across them for a non slip finish. (actually they come in different styles and colours) But generally there for safety and to mark the edge of the steps.
How would you be cutting them if they are real quarries? A rubi will do it , no probs. Maybe wet cutter for smaller cuts though.
I learnt my trade cutting quarries with small cutting chisel and hammer.