You have to make them fit to tile. Don’t always have the luxury of saying do it again. Sometimes you have to cope, just like any other job.
Depends at what stage you first get consulted.
If they’re switched on, it’s early.
If they’ve never even seen them before, it’s when it’s generally too late. So you have to deal with it. Doesn’t mean it’s free tho. 🙂
😀 Maybe.
Had external angles 18mm out of plumb and flat walls 28mm.
Flat walls are not so much of a problem unless you’re wrapping a pattern around the internal corner.
If theyre not plumb it’s impossible to get a proper wrap.
If it falls away for example by 10mm, you then have to cut the same 10mm off the bottom of the wrapped piece, that then throws out the design.
I was thinking about that the other day. Bad enough contending with mitres but when you’re wrapping veins around a wall it must be a whole new dimension in things to think about.
I can also imagine that even with the best will in the world and a ridiculous amount of thought and planning, things come up that you didn’t even consider.
Anyway, it’s great to see the stuff posted. It’s not for me but I fully appreciate what you’re doing and have a very tiny indication of how difficult and above all time consuming it must be.