So i turn up on site and get a light set up...along comes an elderly chippy and needs to work outside the room where i am working but theres only one light. No problem i said and positioned the light so i could see and so could he.
So we are working away and i am one wall grouted when the room goes darker, some numpty is standing talking to the chippy and blocking the light. So i shout to get out of the way of the light !...He moves and goes away......10 minutes later he is back....just talking to his mate the chippy about nothing to do with work and standing in front of the light again :incazzato: , "MOVE OUT OF THE LIGHT MATE" i shouted.
He walked off again but a few minutes later he came back and stood in the light again.... this time as quick as a flash i threw the grout float down grabbed him and lifted off the ground and threw him down the corridor... " I SAID GET OUT OF THE LIGHT !!!"... i think he wet himself and the chippy was rolling around the floor laughing, alll day long the chippy has been taking the mick out of me, but guess what ? ...No one stood in my light again :smilewinkgrin:
I can take so much but then the red mist descends :incazzato:
So we are working away and i am one wall grouted when the room goes darker, some numpty is standing talking to the chippy and blocking the light. So i shout to get out of the way of the light !...He moves and goes away......10 minutes later he is back....just talking to his mate the chippy about nothing to do with work and standing in front of the light again :incazzato: , "MOVE OUT OF THE LIGHT MATE" i shouted.
He walked off again but a few minutes later he came back and stood in the light again.... this time as quick as a flash i threw the grout float down grabbed him and lifted off the ground and threw him down the corridor... " I SAID GET OUT OF THE LIGHT !!!"... i think he wet himself and the chippy was rolling around the floor laughing, alll day long the chippy has been taking the mick out of me, but guess what ? ...No one stood in my light again :smilewinkgrin:
I can take so much but then the red mist descends :incazzato: