Epic cut.
Isomat AK22Just read that Porcel-thin recommend an S1 adhesive for their tiles. I was going to use my standard adhesive- Biogel No Limits.
What do people use?
If you’re Surrey based trying Isomats products shouldn’t be a problem, they’re based in Guilford.I’m used to Biogel now. I don’t want to change
Thanks for the recommendation though. I’ve been advised to try Isomat for a little while now. It’s all about what’s local to me though. Which is mainly Tilemaster, Weber, Kerakoll.
Start from one end and finish at the other lol.Yes, Guildford is a 20 minute drive. The problem is that I don’t buy in bulk. I’ll use under ten bags per month. I tend to buy adhesive as I need it.
I think I’ll be using Biogel for these Porcel-Thin. My local supplier doesn’t stock the adhesive that they recommend, they can get it but it’ll be a ‘special’ $$$
Next question.........is there a definitive guide to mitring tiles?