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tiler tom

With reference to a previous post and I wanted to share this with all.

I went to quote a kitchen floor that had existing 12" vinyl tiles down. The customer said they knew how many tiles they needed as they had counted the number of vinyl tiles and got a few extra.

Beat That :joker:
Dave lend them your cutter go home watch a bit of daytime and get a days wage that way. Sounds good to me.
too lol.....i hate when you turn up for a job and the wifey hubby had drawn you a pic of how he wants you to put the tiles......
Had similar dave, customer didn't like 'one' cut on a splashback so had to 'trowel' the lot off ready for a fresh start the next day, telling her she had to make her mind up how she wanted the tiles setting out. Went in the next day to find the wall covered in tile shaped pieces of paper stuck to the wall with selotape! Some were irreqular sizes to suit the wall! Took me extra day on the job but she did give me a one pound tip!!
When I used to sell underfloor heating I used to get things like 'doesn't it burn you?' 'do you have to wear shoes all the time?' - for those that didn't know it runs at a low temperature because it's coming from the right place - the lowest point - as heat rises.
I was sent to slap some mosaics up in a hair dressers "studio" last year, and I was nearly done when then proprietor noticed that there was about 1m2 worth of mosaics left over. He wanted me to slap them onto some counter top. I told him to clear it with my boss, which he did. The counter top was one of those laminate ones, and it was a bit cracked... Told him I couldn't do **** with it because because it wasn't suitable as a substrate for, well, anything, so he asked me if I could do it if he replaced it with a bit of ply. Told him "sure, what ever".

The annoying ******* threw himself into his car, blasted off to a building material retailer, and returned with a bit of 12mm ply. Only thing was, he had forgotten to take measurements; the piece was too big... He asked me if I had a saw, and I really didn't want to indulge him, so I told him I hadn't. Guess what he did then?

He took a peeling knife, "scored" the ply, and tried to break it over his knee.......

I almost blanked out when I realized what he was going to try after the peeling knife failed...

He took a PLASTIC knife, u know, the kind you get at fast food joints, and tried to... Saw... Through... The ply...

I must've been in a state of shock, because I don't remember leaving.
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