Thinking of a new name for my business, Suggestions ?

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ive decide on topfix tiling all thanks to dhceramics. not to sure what sounds best though.

Topfix Tiling

Topfix Tiling Solutions

Topfix Tiling Services

Topfix Ceramics

let me know what you all think sounds the best. Cheers for the help everybody
im new and i dont want to seem im jumping the gun. should i definetly stick with the word tiling though and not ceramics
tysfoot your a good lad you can take some stick and still laugh you got my respect mate
How about bodgit and scarper or we lay to please I'm sure it'll turn a few heads and get you noticed:lol:
I might change my name too ....

Go with something along the lines of my family history.... Zwiekzukovaski Tiling :shifty:
I spent ages trying to think up a name that wasn't already on some ones van, ( mind you astravan 1.8diesal was a crap name) then on my first job the customers 7 year old son called me Rose Tiler cos he's a big Dr Who fan. Ever since then all the jobs I've had as spin offs from that one I've been called Rose.
I might change my name too ....

Go with something along the lines of my family history.... Zwiekzukovaski Tiling :shifty:

that'll be close to the mark now fekin the poles only drive lorries, dig roads, work in factories,bricklayers,pretty much everything but tiling no i can't see that catching on!

hands up to tysfoot for all the banter he puts up off us idiots!:stupid:


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