This forum is for off-topic chat Discussion ThreadThis forum is for off-topic chat Electrical Advice
This forum category was named off-topic chat but wasn't getting attention so I've moved it up to the top of the forum homepage / index page. Under the news category.
It's for off topic discussion still. Just has a new name.
This forum is for off-topic chat for the original thread on Electricians Forums
Electrician Talk Forum
Electrician Talk Forum for all off-topic chat. Find electricians talking forums for international sparks from any country. Electrical experts Talk forum.This forum category was named off-topic chat but wasn't getting attention so I've moved it up to the top of the forum homepage / index page. Under the news category.
Electrician News > Electrical Industry News
Read and Post Electrical News. Unbiased Electricians News for the Electrical Industry in the UK, USA and further afield.It's for off topic discussion still. Just has a new name.
This forum is for off-topic chat for the original thread on Electricians Forums