Tile backer boards needing tanked and makes of boards

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Trying to Get bathroom re tiled, had conflicting advice from a few tilers, I’m a total novice but like to read up on what is correct procedure.

Cos I’m a female i think some tilers can just spin me a line regarding tiling😀

anyway the existing tiles once taken off I aim to do that myself, I believe they tiled on to bare brick, so walls won’t be good afterwards.

I was led to believe that the wall around Bath, as having a overhead shower needs to be tanked, is it the full area inside bath

However one tiler said to get wall plastered than PVA then tile, I mentioned tanking he looked at me shocked, but I thought why Pay to get walls plastered then to tile over it? But then I have read you need to take into account weight of tiles, they are 8.4 mm 300x600, I don’t think he liked that i queried him.

Another tiler said if use a tile Backer board don’t have to tank as they waterproof, I just want to know what correct procedure is don’t want to be a pain in axxx, but prefer to do it the correct way and only once,

Also if wanting to tile bath panel what’s the technique if ever need access, can you get magnets or have I imagined that😳, both tilers said if had a good plumber wouldn’t need access, but if that worried order a few extra tiles, in case you need to break one or just get a plastic bath panel.
i wanting a enclosed cistern with top flush plate I’d backer board the way to go, as believe plywood not acceptable.

I just feel if not knowledgeable myself they might just skip A stage in preparation, then a few yrs Down line incur issues.

Any recommendations on backer boards to use for wall and floor there is no UFH and where to source from.

Also what timespan should I be looking for it’s only a small bathroom but wall floor 20sqm
Tile backerboards with a foam core, such as Norcros Pro Board, Wedi and Marmox are waterproof, but the joints will require waterproofing with a waterproof tape or tanking with a liquid membrane and tape. I would suggest they are fixed to the walls using tile adhesive and mechanical fixings (30mm washers, plugs & Screws or dowels) If you get the walls plastered you will have to wait 4 weeks before you tile, to waterproof the plaster you would need to use a liquid tanking membrane and tape in the corners, bear in mind plaster can only take 20kg per metre.
Your bath panel could be made out of the same backer board but you will need to screw it to a frame to make it ridged, then you could attach magnets to the back of the frame to hold it in place.
With your concealed cistern you will need to make a timber frame up then you can fix your backer board with washers and screws and tile it. Its worth making a removable lid of some description if you can, I have attached a picture of one I built a few years ago.
With regard to sourcing the materials, contact your local tile shops, they should also be able to give you the details of some decent tilers.
Thanks for above advice, will try another tile supplier, with regards to cistern Gerebit said all maintenance can be accessed via flush plate removal but I’m unsure, thought a top flush rather than plate on front be easier, I will see how I can incorporate a access panel.

Is it more safer to tank the whole area and just use normal tile backer boards
If you are fitting a large flush plate then I guess that is possible, if you are just fitting a button then I think its better to fit a discrete access panel, rather than having to smash out tiles if something goes wrong. I tend to use the foam core boards in shower areas because they are light weight and very easy to cut and install. as I said you only have to tape the joints.
If you are fitting a large flush plate then I guess that is possible, if you are just fitting a button then I think its better to fit a discrete access panel, rather than having to smash out tiles if something goes wrong. I tend to use the foam core boards in shower areas because they are light weight and very easy to cut and install. as I said you only have to tape the joints.
Thanks it’s are large flush plate told don’t need a larger access plate but imagine having to smash the tiles😒 will look for some foam core boards in shower area like that they are light, will it be 6mm cement based for the floor, just need to find a good tiling supplier, tiler quoted on a whole for materials and thought it was rather a lot, prices vary y so m


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