i went to measure a retile to a bathroom
the wall between the family bathroom and wc had been removed years ago to make it one room
i was looking at the walls which werent flat whilst discussing the job with the client
i mentioned getting a plasterer in to reskim the walls to even everything up
he looked puzzled and asked if you could plaster over tiles
my turn to look puzzled
er i dont think so........the tiles wont be there
oh no he said i dont want the tiles off, i know you can do it as thats what i did last time and they have been up twenty years
i pointed at the wall and said so that tile on tile
no that bits on plaster........... over there its tile on tile
so let me get this straight............you tiled over the splash backs and then onto the wall
thats why its uneven
and you want me to do the same
er no .......i dont do that........its all off or get someone else
i will get someone else
i left, i couldnt believe it, i could have done with a big bathroom right now but i dont need the grief and the worry of three layers of tiles coming off the wall
the wall between the family bathroom and wc had been removed years ago to make it one room
i was looking at the walls which werent flat whilst discussing the job with the client
i mentioned getting a plasterer in to reskim the walls to even everything up
he looked puzzled and asked if you could plaster over tiles
my turn to look puzzled
er i dont think so........the tiles wont be there
oh no he said i dont want the tiles off, i know you can do it as thats what i did last time and they have been up twenty years
i pointed at the wall and said so that tile on tile
no that bits on plaster........... over there its tile on tile
so let me get this straight............you tiled over the splash backs and then onto the wall
thats why its uneven
and you want me to do the same
er no .......i dont do that........its all off or get someone else
i will get someone else
i left, i couldnt believe it, i could have done with a big bathroom right now but i dont need the grief and the worry of three layers of tiles coming off the wall