Had a reply from Tilemaster today:
Morning Julian,
Many thanks for your enquiry into fixing materials for fixing Quartz Tiles.
There are a few manufacturers that recommend fixing these tiles with a 2 part adhesive and I think that a lot of this has been driven by Mapei’s recommendations of using their 2 part system. We have a lot of experience of Gulf Stone Tiles, we know the owners of Gulf Stone UK very well and in fact we were their sole supplier of adhesive for many years. We have also been involved in many projects where these tiles have been fixed.
Our experience tells us that the issues and failures associated with this type of resin agglomerated tile are largely down to moisture being prevalent below the tile, either within the adhesive or within the substrate. Moisture can cause these tiles to mis-shape and “dish” in that the corners of the tiles can curl. We have seen that the moisture within the tile adhesive can cause this, in particular when standard setting adhesives are used, because the moisture is prevalent within the adhesive for much longer than a rapid setting adhesive.
The ways to avoid this happening are to use adhesives with a low water addition and also to use adhesives with high initial bond strengths.
Our Ultimate adhesive has a very low water addition level, approximately 1 litre per 20kg lower than our other adhesives, this relates to around 20 – 25% less water. The initial bond strengths of Ultimate are also extremely good, the bond strength is considerably higher than the other adhesives in our range. For these reasons, we recommend Ultimate adhesive as our chosen adhesive for fixing resin agglomerated tiles and guarantee the product for this use. Ultimate has been our recommended adhesive for this type of tile for several years, many projects have been completed successfully using this system.
We have a 2 part adhesive within our range but do not believe that it is necessary to use a 2 part system when we have a product such as Ultimate adhesive in our range.
Just as a final note Julian, it is important that the Quartz tiles are back buttered as well as serrating the substrate in the normal way.
I hope this information assists and answers your questions,
Glynn Griffin
Technical Support
Tilemaster Adhesives Limited
Unit 4 Tomlinson Point
Tomlinson Road
Leyland, PR25 2DY
Tel: 01772 456831
07792 510804