Woke up to a message from a friend who's half way through a holiday in Kos. He's just survived an earthquake and tsunami, but apparently his hire car has moved about 10 yards and the seats are a bit soggy.
My missus has just spoke to his missus and they thought it didn't seem too bad. The news is showing the worst bits. They were eating out about 20 minutes walk from the sea front where the car was parked but only a handful of buildings had issues. She sounded more concerned that her bottle of wine didn't survive the rocking. Car was fine, and hadn't moved as much as he said, wasn't flooded or anything. Anyway, they're back at the hotel in Fokas, getting ready for breakfast!
A few years ago we were on a beach in Zante. The wife was on a chair and I standing behind her under the parasol with my hankie on my head.
There was a tremor! She thought I'd rocked her chair. We moved up the beach to higher ground.
Happy days.