Here's a story you are all going to like. An old neighbour of mine when I lived in London was site manager for a development out in Essex, 5 luxury 7 bedroom houses, with very high price tags. I tiled the downstairs floors in 600 x 600 travertine but they wanted the bathrooms and en-suites (of which there were a LOT) to be tiled on 9mm ply on the floor, unprimed on the underside or edges, and straight onto plasterboard on the walls that had been PVA'd. I refused to do it, citing 15mm ply, primed on the underside and edges, and both the floors and walls needed to be tanked (they weren't wet rooms, but even so, tank the bleeding things for the sake of a hundred quid per bathroom in a £700k house, and don't put PVA anywhere near those walls!).
We fell out over it actually, didn't speak for months afterwards, and he got someone else in who had no qualms about fixing 406 x 406 travertine those substrates. That was 8 years ago. I wonder exactly when they fell off the walls and the floor started tenting??? :lol: