Tiling Rates Per Square Meter - How much does tiling cost?

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I price every job on its own merits, big areas and commercial dictate a lower price small areas with loads of cuts are more, flat M2 rate I rarely work off, but I always work of price never day rate, I make sure I price it according to the work involved, obviously specialist skills, mitres/ bullnosing etc are coated into it, also horrible areas like 16th century cottages that are all scribe work to walls ( I get alot of them). But your average kitchen floor in porcelain with no skirts and no prep I'd be around £35 h £40 pm2 labour only, again this is dependent and size of tile, every job has its variables and those need to be taken into account
Im £35 for ceramics £40 for porcelain and £ 50 for stone ,but sometimes they go for cheaper ,but no quality ,the amount of calls i get where the job is messed up lol ,im just in process of upping my prices ,been doing bits in london lateley,what you top tilers charging there
We all loose jobs due to cheapest price ,its all about levels of work ,house prices in different areas,relates to the pricing ,
So you all compare a mechanic or a hairdrresser for your prices, a mechanic and a hairdresser have to have premises , rates , etc etc ect , we have a van and maybe a garage .
You cannot compare the two , if you do you are completely wrong
Plus cheaper does not always mean rough , its called competition, you can go to a hairdressers and get a cut for £10, and down the road for £8 , stop being bloody snobby 🙂
If yiu don’t like being undercut , go cards in
Just out of interest anyone on here now considering upping their day rates? Knew this was going to be a hot topic, I usually quote based on X number of days to complete the job. Right now I charge £160 a day minimum up to £200 per day for complete bathroom installation work, still work long hours. Guess it boils down to a few things, competition, reputation, how much work you happen to have on.. Etc. I'm based in Cornwall, I don't advertise myself so all work is on recommendation, (but being Cornwall everyone is somehow related! ). Seem to get busier year on year. Was looking through an old invoice book earlier and couldn't believe how little I was charging (was almost 10 years ago). Definitely becoming more of a specialist trade with larger formats, so rates will more than likely increase to reflect that.
Rates have gone up massively these last 20 years, i remember £100 a day being a rate we dreamed of having , £60 a day s/e was a top rate in the 90s, christ i had a £500 mortgage , van loan, ins etc etc etc earned £225 a week after 25% was taken out, the wife earned £80 a week and we were minted .
Ive absolutely no idea how tradesmen are skint nowadays with all these prices thrown about ont net ,£200/250 a day , thats 50 grand ish a year with holidays .
I was sat in the pub the other week and two women were talking about their mate earning £300 a week ‘imagine earning that much money a week’ they were saying 😛😛


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