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Tiling Rates Per Square Meter - How much does tiling cost?

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We tend to charge
35 - 45 pm2 for large open floor areas but this includes adhesive and grout.

Wall tiling £37.5-45

Matting around £15 pm2 which includes all materials (durabase)

Extra for bottle niches £50

Envelope shower tray £100

Day rate £175 + materials

London rate £250 + materials

Tiled skirt £20plm
Bet he charges more for his services why should your expertise be any less valued .? if you can't make £200 a day then you may as well be employed, gone are the days when tiling was see as a semi skilled profession seen many builders and plumbers plasterers efforts that make you smile installed totally wrong and as a result fail or look dreadful . Don't get me wrong there are some very good multi skilled guys on here but not many would take on a 80m floor and 1200 x600 tiles you are worth far more in my opinion. All the best Kop
But you got someone on here charging £200 per day taking 2 days to grout a bathroom .
Larger commercial work is a completely different ball game, rates are a lot lower.
But then some of my lads I've took on for a months works and they've been with me for 5 years, pretty much solid. And.......... they don't have to have insurance, they get paid fortnightly, they don't have to go out and price work or chase it, no chasing of payments, tax deductions are done for them, and most importantly its not them taking any commercial risk its me so if a job goes wrong they don't have to worry about it.
I think a lot of the posts here are from guys having to do a lot of this for themselves, and like has been said in this thread "what is your time worth?" as with most things its worth what someone will pay for it.
Peace of mind that you've got steady work can be worth its weight in gold if you don't like the hassle of chasing other people.

As a rule of thumb our day rates aren't far off the rates in other posts, but we like to work on fixing 10 m2 per day minimum, so if your charging £200 rate should be £20, labour only of course. But then this would be for just turning up and fixing.
The available m2 on a commercial job are completely different to doing a domestic bathroom (We currently have a 3000m2 job running for 7 months and a 1800m2 job for 6 months), and I've known a lot of fixers over 30 years in the business that get excited by the rates in the domestic market. But when a plumber or other trade (or customer) hasn't got the job ready and they have an abortive day, domestic don't get paid, but commercial guys do.

It can be horses for courses, and what one person will prefer another won't but don't get put off by the lower rates in the commercial sector. There are other benefits to lower rates.
If he can get that then good for him but as we both know what's acceptable and what's not you have to be competitive work tidy and reasonably quickly to be successful an in demand.
Dan has asked if I could contribute to this thread but I have not laid a tile for money (did my step daughters and got the usual peanuts)for four years but I do travel around all of Great Britain and meet lots of tilers who are saying that day rates vary from £150-£200, more in London where I have heard of £350 per day. Square metre rates seem to be dependent on tile type and can be £25 for ceramics to £40-£50 for natural stone. The specialist sectors seem to work on different parameters for their pricing. The best prices I can contribute were those I got from four years ago which were: kitchen splashbacks £45pm2, day rate £150, natural stone £35-£40pm2 and all other tiles were £25-£30pm2. I don't believe there is a formula that will give a price at the touch of a button that covers all jobs, as all jobs are different with so many variables, and I would only ever give a written estimate after seeing the job and never over the phone. Hope this help with this tread.
Christy Wayne I've been tiling 38 yrs & i would never entertain 1200 x 600 tile I'm quite happy to pick up the smaller format tiling nowadays & that's now only when I can be bother to get the tools out
Don’t know if this really matters, or adds to the debate,but in Zambia any form of construction, finishing trades isn’t a well paid job, it’s getting better. It’s all relative, Local lads charge around 25-35 kwacha M2 (£1.80) the work is terrible though( see pics this is classed as a decent finish here), no prep, proper setting out whatsoever. The Zimbabwean lads are better, they take more pride in their work and charge around 50 kwacha M2 (£3) I’ve just set up over here, complete newbie to the tiling game last job I did ( my first paid job )I was on 60 kwacha M2 (£3.59) 1200x150 porcelain with mosaic on walls, 600x300 Ceramic on floor just tiling. Once I get known for my work and my reputation and portfolio grows I’ll be able to charge a lot more, you just have to get your foot in the door here.



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