Not too tight to pay, just not willing to pay over the odds for work that in some cases I can do better myself. Another thing, when I started out in engineering if we worked 4,6 or 8 hours that's what we charged the customer. In fact sometimes we would do a little more than we charged to help customers out. Information was always given freely to people we could help and sometimes, just to give a bit back for our good lifestyles, we would help others actually with work, if we had free time, no charge. People now are just too ungrateful full stop.
What made our country strong was helping others out if we could, not screwing them over, which is pretty much standard nowadays. I served my time training properly for years and having pride in my work and gratitude, not just to earn as much as I can by any means. It's because of this take, take as much as I can mentality of people today, why our society is falling apart. Should not of read about prices on here. Rant over.
Not charge the customer for it, that's for sure. It's called a little give and take. Not take, take. Just take some time and think about it, you are ripping the customer off, full stop.