Tiling Tools Starter Kit

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its an impressive list but how much do you reckon one should put asside for purchase of tools?
I'll be starting up on my own next year so purchasing all my tools from scratch but to be honest on reading that I could need anything from £250 - £2,500....

how much do you reckon a starter would need to spend so that all of the essentials are covered and a little bit more?

just trying to work out my budget thats all!

Buy as you go IMO mate, no point in humping a van full of stuff about that's never seenlight of day, get the basic's you need then buy other stuff as the job dictates, no point in buying a drill and a set of diamond bits if your first lot of jobs have no holes to drill if you get my drift.
Buy as you go IMO mate, no point in humping a van full of stuff about that's never seenlight of day, get the basic's you need then buy other stuff as the job dictates, no point in buying a drill and a set of diamond bits if your first lot of jobs have no holes to drill if you get my drift.

Sooooooooooo right, My problem is that if I have,nt got the tools in the van I think I,ll end up needing them.:thumbsup:
I use those Silicon sealant profiles, as I can't seem to get the hang with my finger.

IIRC there was a kit that you could get in Focus and the like that had some ptfe coated profiles in plus a special sealant knife - I think JML did it. I bought it for a tenner and it has been absolutely brilliant. The knife is specially designed for cutting out old seals between baths/showers and tiles - it has a V shaped blade.

I have been using the profiles ever since.

I also keep a supply of new Silicon nozzels. I accumulate them if I use 2 or 3 tubes of the stuff in quick succession and don't need to cut new nozzels I just change the existing nozzel onto the new tube.

Also, don't forget the sealant gun. :thumbsup:

I have a cheap rotating laser level. I suspect I'll be using it for a job I've got coming up next week. All 4 walls are to be tiled and I want to use it to get a horizontal datum. You don't have to spend a fortune on one of these. All you do is level it up to a known height, say the height of the bath, drawing a line from the bath with a normal level will help. Then mark where the light hits other parts of the walls and recheck them with a normal level.
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