One Day
Popular shouldn't be confused with best though.It would be good if there was a poll to actually see which was most popular
Most popular car is what? Mondeo?
Good but certainly not the best!
Popular shouldn't be confused with best though.It would be good if there was a poll to actually see which was most popular
Tile cutters are always going to be highly topical - they are the central part of most Tilers kit. A guide to tile cutters would date very quickly - most manufacturers update their cutters annually. And anyway, why take the fun out of taunting Sigma owners (they are the best cutter because they can do a 10mm cut... not my idea of a good cutter, usually just a sign the tiler bodged their measuring).
We need regular threads pitting Sigma against Rubi, adds a bit of spice to the Forum, and gives Professional Tilers the chance to big up their favourite piece of kit. 😉
Start a poll of how many tilers have genuinely used both and ask them if they could win a cutter of their choice by participating which machine they'd like to take home.
I wouldn't know where to start Marc 🙁Well go on then, start a poll! 😀😉
Here Lee.I wouldn't know where to start Marc 🙁
As easy as that then MarcHere Lee.
Scroll down and hopefully poll options will already be available.
If not scroll down and you will see 'add poll'
Start here