As a newbie, in your first few jobs, your only ever one job away from complete disaster, what I mean by this is you will take on a job that's out your depth and it will end your career. You will learn so much on your first job though, when I think back to the first ever paid job I did, it was a 11 m2 large bathroom floor that was failed by another pro, this job took me 3 days as I remember, I had to self level the floor then tile. My stress levels where so high, now, the same job I would do in 1 day no problem and others on here I'm sure would do even quicker but point to my story is, on your first few jobs do your homework, take your time, understand why certain things do what they do like the adhesive, if you get any lippage they to understand why it's happened rather than repeatedly pressing the corner of the tile in only for the opposing corner to push out.