It all depends on how much you are willing to spend really.
Like you could get everything you need from B&Q, while it wouldn't be brilliant gear it would do the job.
On the other had there are quite a few tiling shops that sell good cutters, wet and dry, but they often only stock eith one or 2 makes of them, so best bet is to have a rad through the tools section of the forum, see what people think to certain cutters, do your course, then decide if they actually sell there what you have in mind.
Theres a sponser on here, Buy Brand tools, while I have never used them I have heard that they are good, and get your orders out to you quickly, but they only sell Rubi cutters as far as I know, but they do stock near enough everything you would need.
There link banners on this page at the top, click it and have a look.