I've done a few searches & read up a few threads on Topps Tiles but they're fairly old so thought I'd ask the question again.
Anyone currently use Topps? Unfortunately they are the only large distributor around me other than a couple of independents so for my first trade account I had little choice. Anyway, I have my trade card (there is a fool proof way of obtaining it quickly) & the discounts on materials is pretty damn good (50%-75% off BAL shelf price). But am I likely to match those sort of prices elsewhere? The 2 independents near me stock Ultra, is it likely I'd get the equivilent of 15kg tub Green Star for under £6?
& what are Topps discounts like on tiles or does it increase the more you buy?
ps. Green Star doesn't appear to have a great reputation around here but it's BAL so it must be pretty decent? The only tub I've used so far is Nicobond Ultragrip so don't know too much about BALs. I assume Green Star at <£6 a tub is fine for kitchen walls, sink splashbacks, bathroom walls with no immediate water contact etc...
I've done a few searches & read up a few threads on Topps Tiles but they're fairly old so thought I'd ask the question again.
Anyone currently use Topps? Unfortunately they are the only large distributor around me other than a couple of independents so for my first trade account I had little choice. Anyway, I have my trade card (there is a fool proof way of obtaining it quickly) & the discounts on materials is pretty damn good (50%-75% off BAL shelf price). But am I likely to match those sort of prices elsewhere? The 2 independents near me stock Ultra, is it likely I'd get the equivilent of 15kg tub Green Star for under £6?
& what are Topps discounts like on tiles or does it increase the more you buy?
ps. Green Star doesn't appear to have a great reputation around here but it's BAL so it must be pretty decent? The only tub I've used so far is Nicobond Ultragrip so don't know too much about BALs. I assume Green Star at <£6 a tub is fine for kitchen walls, sink splashbacks, bathroom walls with no immediate water contact etc...