Discuss trav is a nightmare!... in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


Old Mod

yeh beanz very hard lol it was just the act that it took about 5 mins to wash off each m2 lol
D'u know Ash, got the greatest respect for u for what u've achieved, truly!!
However, write from experience mate, not from what u've read, pls!
I've just spent the best part of THREE days grouting 16m2 of mosaic with resin, now THATS a long time!

Dougs Third Go

Ash, Doug just touched on potential pitfall of inexperienced grouting. When you apply the grout, how long are you leaving before you profile with your wash boy? Here is what I tend to do in standard bathroom, grout wall 1 then 2, profile wall 1 grout 3, profile 2 , grout 4 then profile 3 and 4, change water then wipe all 4 walls, change again and wipe again (optional)
all depends on ventilation, drying conditions etc, if I see groutpowdering on face of tiles I usually go for a wipe off, normally though I'll have all 4 walls grouted and a brew in hand before I set the sponge to work, based on say a typical 20m2 bathroom.


all depends on ventilation, drying conditions etc, if I see groutpowdering on face of tiles I usually go for a wipe off, normally though I'll have all 4 walls grouted and a brew in hand before I set the sponge to work, based on say a typical 20m2 bathroom.

Yes, there are always different factors Doug... Keeps you on your toes! I doubt I'd have the balls to grout a whole bathroom before wiping, esp with ultra colour... Maybe try it with bal.

Dougs Third Go

Yes, there are always different factors Doug... Keeps you on your toes! I doubt I'd have the balls to grout a whole bathroom before wiping, esp with ultra colour... Maybe try it with bal.
I'm 50 now Paul, been tiling since I was 18, I dunno, maybe you just get a "feel" for it, certain circumstances call for certain methods and it's only experience that gives you that "je ne sais quoi" lol!

Dougs Third Go

MR tea bag;739739[I said:
]I don't have to worry about all that atm mate I just do as im told lol.[/I].. fixing on mon though that will be fun the pace these guys go at il still be going at 9:00 on the night to catch up lmao.
you always have to worry about it, it's your future career on the line, the day you don't give a toss is the day you become like every other wanabee with a swanky website, personally I don't have a website or a facebook page, but I do give a toss as to how I go about my trade...just saying.

Dougs Third Go

Exactly what I was thinking! Fair play to You Doug. I think I'll stick with 1 wall at a time for now lol!
just same as Deano's vid, (although I have no sound on lappy at the mo, so apparently I've missed the 70's ****o music), but just work it in methodically, use your left hand (if r/handed) coming out of tight corners etc, I'd say the only difference |I do to Deano is that where Dean works from left to right, I tend to work (grouting wise) is from right to left, but that's a plastering throwback for base-coating I guess

TJ Smiler

I'm fairly similar to Doug, i tend to grout all four walls too before i even touch my wash boys (i have two wash boys on the go). Grouted 22m2 bathroom yesterday in just over two hours, but then it was glazed ceramics 600 x 300 so very easy to do. Also with trav, i have never sealed any of it before grouting and always find it a very easy tile to grout, i do wash it all down first with my wash boy to remove all the dust though. Each job is different mate and like free_fall said don't try and keep up with the more experienced guys, you aint gonna do it. Just aim to get yours looking the nuts.

Old Mod

if there is an interest in this subject i am quite happy to set out how i go about sealing /grouting/sealing/waxing/top coat seals.
this would only be my own guide not a guaranteed method that would be upheld by any tile federation.
it would only be general rule because each stone needs to be considered individually.
i think that darren freeze is probably the only member that i know on this site or any other who will have experienced similar to me as our fields of work are similar

well I'd definitely be interested [MENTION=6807]JohnnyC[/MENTION] yes please! :thumbsup: you can't have too many methods Stored away in the back pocket to try! U'll use them one day!


if there is an interest in this subject i am quite happy to set out how i go about sealing /grouting/sealing/waxing/top coat seals.
this would only be my own guide not a guaranteed method that would be upheld by any tile federation.
it would only be general rule because each stone needs to be considered individually.
i think that darren freeze is probably the only member that i know on this site or any other who will have experienced similar to me as our fields of work are similar

Ive seen your work Johnny, I'll take my chances and take you up on that offer, looking forward to it v much!


I'm fairly similar to Doug, i tend to grout all four walls too before i even touch my wash boys (i have two wash boys on the go). Grouted 22m2 bathroom yesterday in just over two hours, but then it was glazed ceramics 600 x 300 so very easy to do. Also with trav, i have never sealed any of it before grouting and always find it a very easy tile to grout, i do wash it all down first with my wash boy to remove all the dust though. Each job is different mate and like free_fall said don't try and keep up with the more experienced guys, you aint gonna do it. Just aim to get yours looking the nuts.

How long would it take you to grout this average bathroom before bringing out the wash boy? I tend to let my grouts if in the joint for 15 mins before I start becoming aware it might be time to emulsify it. It would probably take me 35 - 45 mins to do 2 x 2 bathroom (I'm guessing) do you think the grout would remain workable in the joint for that long?


Doesn't how long you leave it depend on how porous the tiles are and how warm it is? Hot weather and non porous tiles meaning it will dry on the surface while it's still very soft in the joints.

Yes, if you have a very porous tile then the moisture will be pulled from grout forcing it to dry quicker. Do a test next time you have some spare grout at end of job, place some on biscuit side and another on face side of tile, the results are quite impressive with the likes of ceramic. As I say earlier, I never become too relaxed when grouting.


clearly I havnt stated that I don't give a toss at all and would you think that at this time where I am now I would no care about my work? this is ridiculous I don't know why I bother coming on here

I wouldn't take it too seriously mate, it's just a forum. You come here because there's valuable information, and some very talented individuals that you can learn a lot from... Take the rest of it with a pinch if salt ;)
had the task of grouting up a wet room floor today it was trav mosaic roughly 4 m2 took me ages! even though I was scraping at the floor with a float the residue was tremendous but it didn't even look like there was any there until I washed off with the sponge it was agonizing lol one wipe on each side and then rinse! think a wash boy will be a god tool for that job.
Post some pics Mr T.
I'm sure its been mentioned but did you stain stop first.

Reply to trav is a nightmare!... in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com

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