Yes, you heard right.
If I've done this correctly they will work. If I haven't, I'll keep trying until they do, but perhaps not tonight now. I've had a long day.
So. Remember that 'Top Contributor' tag that would automatically give you a tag if you posted X amount of posts in Y days. Usually set around 20 posts in 10 days or something like that.
Well, I can't quite create that specific setup yet. But I've managed to figure out a way to reward posters of good content automatically. So a bit like with that one, I'll need to play around with the ratio to try and get it so that it's rare enough to feel nice and release positive endorphins, but not that easy to get that the buzz doesn't last long.
Think of it as forum smack.
SO. This forum smack works like this. You know those likes you've been getting for years, and they've been building up on THIS page. They give you a positive reaction score. So a like, a heart face or a laughing face are all positive. (And the other three are neutral. No negative on this one I'm afraid peeps I'm trying to keep it happy.)
Well that gives you a reaction ratio. So if you have 10 messages with 5 reactions, you get a score of 0.5
If you have 5 messages and 10 likes/reactions - you would have a score of 2.0
If you have 100 messages and only a mere 10 positive reactions, you would have a low score of 0.1
You still following?
Well now there are TWO new tags you can gain:-
Now I'll leave the names and colours of the badges / tags out of this for now and we'll see if and when they pop up. Again I'll need to do some testing for a week or so to get the ratio right. And I know this sounds a bit funky, especially for a Friday night. But once it's setup well, it'll knock the socks off of the simple Top Contributor fix which just wasn't cutting the mustard for the hardened
So if you see some good content - react to it. And if you post some good content, it'll get reacted to. And eventually, perhaps even give you a tag or two

If I've done this correctly they will work. If I haven't, I'll keep trying until they do, but perhaps not tonight now. I've had a long day.
So. Remember that 'Top Contributor' tag that would automatically give you a tag if you posted X amount of posts in Y days. Usually set around 20 posts in 10 days or something like that.
Well, I can't quite create that specific setup yet. But I've managed to figure out a way to reward posters of good content automatically. So a bit like with that one, I'll need to play around with the ratio to try and get it so that it's rare enough to feel nice and release positive endorphins, but not that easy to get that the buzz doesn't last long.
Think of it as forum smack.
SO. This forum smack works like this. You know those likes you've been getting for years, and they've been building up on THIS page. They give you a positive reaction score. So a like, a heart face or a laughing face are all positive. (And the other three are neutral. No negative on this one I'm afraid peeps I'm trying to keep it happy.)
Well that gives you a reaction ratio. So if you have 10 messages with 5 reactions, you get a score of 0.5
If you have 5 messages and 10 likes/reactions - you would have a score of 2.0
If you have 100 messages and only a mere 10 positive reactions, you would have a low score of 0.1
You still following?
Well now there are TWO new tags you can gain:-
- The first is for ALL members of the forum - And you need a minimum of 250 messages with a ratio of 1.0 - so that's 250 messages with 250 likes (or positive reactions). Or 300 with 300 likes. 400 with 400 likes. Etc.
- The second one is for people who are NOT Trusted Advisors - and those will need a high ratio with a high amount of posts - and could actually be the new way that Trusted Advisor names are put into a hat perhaps. Because automatically, they're obviously getting a lot of content liked per amount of content they're posting.
Now I'll leave the names and colours of the badges / tags out of this for now and we'll see if and when they pop up. Again I'll need to do some testing for a week or so to get the ratio right. And I know this sounds a bit funky, especially for a Friday night. But once it's setup well, it'll knock the socks off of the simple Top Contributor fix which just wasn't cutting the mustard for the hardened
So if you see some good content - react to it. And if you post some good content, it'll get reacted to. And eventually, perhaps even give you a tag or two